

Renata Passaris

Profile picture of Renata Passaris

CSM (BA) Fashion Design: Womenswear 2022 Graduate

CSM (BA) Fashion Design: Womenswear 2022 Graduate

Inspired by upheaval and transition within my own life and within life as we currently know it, I have been exploring the idea of movement and fleeting moments. I began by exploring nomadism and considered how home can be brought with us from place to place. I considered this literally through research into packing clothes, and nomadic furniture; this helped me identify key words such as roll, knot, and stretch which pushed my draping experimentation forward. I also wanted to capture the more poetic side, the feeling of home.  Beeswax was a material I experimented with extensively as it has a soft, calming aesthetic which I associate with home comforts.  I developed my own technique which allows me to manipulate the wax while it is in its transitional liquid to solid state. This process allows me to physically capture movement and preserve it within a still, sculptural form. Moreover, I considered the cross over between wax and outerwear, with waxed fabrics being used for its functional waterproof properties.  My aim for my collection was to create pieces that have a balance between functionality and sculpture, pieces that capture movement in a way that encourages the onlooker to slow down and appreciate moments suspended in time.

Final work

Beeswax sculpture

Research and process


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Inspired by upheaval and transition within my own life and within life as we currently know it, I have been exploring the idea of movement and fleeting moments. I began by exploring nomadism and considered how home can be brought with us from place to place. I considered...

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