

Yifan Jiang

As a fashion design student from China studying in the West, my oriental background has brought me a lot of aesthetic influences, so most of my designs are based on some oriental cultures or concepts, which are then expressed through modern fashion design. I enjoy the feeling of different cultures colliding with each other, and this has always been my most important design concept. In terms of craftsmanship and choice of materials, I have always been committed to experimenting with different natural materials and combining them with fabrics. I hope that I can create more contrasting and visually appealing designs through a more direct choice of natural materials, such as stones and clay. To amplify the sensory experience of fashion products, to integrate sensory fashion into sustainable development, to stimulate consumers' interest and curiosity, to enable them to more actively understand the stories and meanings behind the designs, and to do my part to contribute to the change of 'slow fashion' in the fashion industry, which is also my design value all along.

As a fashion design student from China studying in the West, my oriental background has brought m...

A very central concept that has always existed in the philosophical thinking of traditional Chinese 道家(Taoism) and儒家(Confucianism) is ‘天人合一’ (Tian Ren He Yi, Harmony between human and nature). It expresses a state where man and nature merge and coexist and influence each other. They summarise the natural elements that make up everything in the world as the ‘五行’ (Five Elements), which are metal, wood, water, fire and earth, and these make up our bodies and spirits, which return to nature after we die. This has likewise influenced the idea of nature worship that runs extremely deep in traditional Chinese culture.

In today's era of rapid technological development, which is also an era of high tension in our relationship with nature, it makes me start to think whether we can use such traditional concepts of natural philosophy to re-examine our relationship with nature, as well as the relationship between fashion and nature so that primitive natural elements can be directly integrated into fashion design.

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A very central concept that has always existed in the philosophical thinking of traditional Chinese 道家(Taoism) and儒家(Confucianism) is ‘天人合一’ (Tian Ren He Yi, Harmony between human and nature). It expresses a state where man and nature merge and coexist and influence each...

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